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The Lost Soul Trilogy (Primani Book 5) Page 6
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Page 6
“Gross! My hair is totally flat! I hate it.” She was trying in vain to fluff it up.
It was a lost cause. I sympathized though. The flat look didn’t do her new platinum color justice. My own hair was looking just fine since I pulled my hood over it. I fussed over it anyway; I didn’t want to hurt her feelings. Out in the main room, Tyler, Kevin, Dani, and Aric had shown up and commandeered a table for us. The ancient juke box blasted out “Sober” by Tool. I happily sang along with the depressing song. Tyler came over with a huge grin on his face.
“You suck!” He liked to think he could sing… He thought he was Axl Rose. He had the red hair, but that was where the similarities ended.
Singing louder, I tapped out the drums on the edge of the table. “Jealous? You wish you were amazing like me.” To emphasize my awesomeness, I smacked him in the arm.
He smacked me back a bit harder than I expected and off the stool I went. Someone caught me before I hit the floor though. That someone laughed into my ear as he easily pulled me to my feet.
“Whoa, you don’t have to throw yourself at me, darlin’. I like you just fine standin’ up!”
Dani elbowed me after he helped me to my feet. Tall and lean, he seemed familiar. He had wavy blond hair and laughing blue eyes that were creased into triangles at the moment. A crooked smile and dimples just added to his overall adorability. Now where did I know him from? I was getting ready to ask him who he was when he introduced himself.
“I’m Declan, Sean’s brother. Everybody just calls me Dec. I saw you at the ramps. Ring any bells now?” He had a lilt to his voice like Sean did. It was adorable.
His playful smile was contagious. I found myself grinning up into his eyes. “Oh yeah, and speak of the devil. There--” I got out before Dec whipped around.
“Where?” he asked seriously, head swiveling back and forth.
Sean strolled up with an easy grin. “I think she means me, Dec. It’s cool.”
Wow. He was hotter and hotter every time I saw him. He did things to jeans that should be illegal. Too bad I didn’t like him much. Nope, not much at all…
Swiping irritably at blond bangs hanging over his eye, Kevin positioned himself in front of me, interrupting my drooling. Trying for tough, he narrowed his blue eyes and set his jaw. “Friends of yours, Mica?” He appraised the two guys with suspicion and a little hostility.
Tyler and Aric were alert too. Tyler’s good-natured freckled face was creased with an uncharacteristic frown. Dani just grinned at me.
“Whoa! Yum!” Dani whispered loudly and fanned herself with a menu. She knew exactly who Sean was. She approved of him because she thought he had a positive aura. I challenged that idea but had to admit there was something different about him.
Even with that easy grin in place, Sean stood like a soldier, feet planted and shoulders back. He could break Tyler with his hands. He had a look about him that screamed “dangerous.” It made me sweat--in a good way. Dec, on the other hand, was a little shorter and a little thinner. The two were a contrast. Sean was dark while Dec was light. His hair was a streaky blond, but he had the same arresting blue eyes. His face was more boyish than Sean’s. Even so, the lines of his face were lean and could easily go from relaxed to hard in a minute. Dec stood more loosely than Sean did, but he still looked like a soldier. There was a readiness in them… Trying for subtlety, I glanced at my watch while scoping out their bodies.
Even wearing jeans and t-shirts, they were both ridiculously hot. Dani giggled and rolled her eyes towards Dec’s butt, just in case I hadn’t noticed its awesomeness. Their bodies were hard from work in the real world--they didn’t have the half-hearted workout bodies that most guys had. No, they lived life in ways these small town boys haven’t even dreamed of yet. My imagination went into hyper-drive. I could see both of them in a uniform holding an automatic weapon. They were definitely different. Our guys, as I thought of Kevin, Aric, and Tyler, were reacting to this new threat by posturing. Suddenly they were a little taller and tougher.
Ricki finally snorted with disgust, and said pointedly to Kevin, “Oh, chill out, already.”
I started to laugh, and soon Ricki and Dani were giggling too. It broke the tension, and the guys started to relax. Soon we were all playing pool, and everyone was getting along. It was hard not to like Dec; he was hilarious and sweet. He seemed to find everything funny. We must be kindred spirits, him and I. As the night wore on, I noticed his gaze lingered on Dani whenever he thought no one was looking. Hmmm, that might be an interesting match. They’d have pretty babies together.
At the end of the night, I went to the ladies’ room. Sean was waiting for me when I came out. I stopped and searched for help, but we were alone in the dim light. The juke box boomed through the walls; its bass rattling a picture frame near my head. No one would hear me. I swallowed and kept walking, hands suddenly cold. Not threatening, really, he leaned against the wall with his arms crossed over his chest. He’d watched me all night, but hadn’t said much to me. Not unusual since he barely talked to me anyway. Conversation wasn’t his strong suit. He’d commented on my pool skills once or twice and ignored me. But every now and then, my skin prickled, and I’d glanced up to find his eyes gleaming in my direction. The intensity made me nervous, and being alone in this dark hallway was freaking me out. I didn’t know him that well and anyone could be deadly. I was buzzing with adrenaline when he peeled away from the wall.
“I’m scaring you, aren’t I?” He studied my clenched hands.
“No, you don’t scare me. I don’t know what you’re talking about.”
“Look, I’m not trying to scare you. I’m not here to hurt you. I’m just…”
He hesitated for a heartbeat. “I’m here to play pool. That’s all.”
That sounded like a lie and a weak one at that. I put my hand on my hip, drawing his attention lower. “Really? That’s it? You’re here to play pool?” Unafraid now, I moved a little closer.
“You didn’t come here to see me? Not at all?” I was crowding him, challenging those glowing eyes of his. Wait. That can’t be right. I blinked a couple of times, and the impression was gone. He stepped back, again. I wasn’t having it this time. I stepped forward. He stepped back, hands raised between us, irritation etched across his face.
“Knock it off. What do you think you’re playin’ at?” His accent was heavy with the harshness of his voice.
“I’m outta here.” I stalked away.
I was snuggled up with Domino listening to the rain come down. We were both glad to be inside and warm. I loved to watch her sleep. She seemed perfectly content here. My family loved her, and Seeker, the little black dog that Janet adopted, was glad to have a yard mate during the day. The kids were pretty good about taking care of her if I was stuck at work late. I took Domino with me wherever I could. She sprinted alongside of me when I ran every day. She went to the park with me and my friends and hung out at Dani’s store with us. Her mom fell in love with the dog and always had a treat for her--organic, of course. Domino preferred organic. We were planning to go hiking in a few weeks. Maybe she could scare away bears?
That night I dreamed about Sean. This dream was different from the others. I was running down the long hallway with doors again. But this time, there was an open door with a gold seal above it. I couldn’t read it, but I ran through the door anyway, only to fall screaming through cloud cover before landing on a foggy forest floor. A faint light shimmered in the distance, calling to me, drawing me forward. I was making progress at first but then stumbled over random rocks and clutching branches. I could see the light beckoning... just out of reach. Suddenly a large shape landed in front of me. With a surprised cry, I dodged to the side--right into Sean in an entirely new world.
Surrounded by mist and water; everything was green and lush. We were standing in a small pool edged with mossy rocks and purple orchids. The water was so clear I could see the sandy bottom. Sean was holding me against his bare c
hest. My head was flung back as he slowly dragged his mouth over my neck. My blood raced through my veins like a current, my entire body pulsing with heat. I was looking down at this sexy scene when his eyes snapped open and locked onto mine.
I was still gasping for air a few minutes later. What a dream! It was dark outside. I wasn’t sure I could go back to sleep after that dream though. Whew! That was wicked hot. I wanted to jump back into that pool and… Domino stretched restlessly against my side and cracked an eye. Do you mind? I was dozing off again when she stiffened. Growling low in her throat, she pulled herself to her feet, listening. I sat perfectly still with eyes on the alarm pad. It was armed. No one could sneak inside; although it would be pretty easy to kill me before the police showed up. It was a very small apartment with limited hiding places. I didn’t hear anything though. Domino growled louder, showing teeth this time. She was serious.
Hefting a baseball bat, I pressed my ear against the outside wall, careful to stay away from the window. Domino launched herself in front of the door with her hackles raised. I still didn’t hear anything, but I trusted her instincts. Something was up. The slam of a car door scared me even more. This was not good. Damn it. The sound of tires squealing sent both of us running to the window. What the hell?
Domino had stopped growling, but her lip was curled in a snarl. I peeked out of the blinds--nothing. I peeked out of the peephole--nothing.
“Well, what’s the matter, dog? You’re freaking me out.” She pointed her nose at the door and cocked one ear.
“Okay, fine, but if you get eaten by a zombie, don’t blame me!”
I let her out, and she ran to my car, barking madly. I didn’t want to do it, but I followed her with the bat. There wasn’t anyone else there. Domino was sniffing all around the car though, probably taking DNA samples. It was uncanny--she started at the front end, methodically working around the whole car. She stopped right next to the tire that had a screwdriver sticking in it.
“Are you frickin’ kidding me? Just great!” I searched the street, but whoever did it was long gone. Damn it.
The next morning, I was sitting at the kitchen table sulking into my cereal when my dad came down.
“Hey, kiddo. What’s the matter? You look bummed.”
That was an understatement. “Some freak flattened my tire this morning, Dad. It was about 4:30. Domino woke me up. What am I supposed to do with it?”
“Flattened your tire? Was that all? Damn it! Are you okay?”
“Yeah, I’m fine. I had the alarm on and Domino’s there. Plus, your old bat.” I put on a brave face.
Dad ran through the video tape and called the cops. The cameras captured the shadowy shapes of two guys and their car. Unfortunately we couldn’t see the license plate. Even though I couldn’t see their faces, I knew one of the guys. He didn’t need a face for me to recognize him. His body was burned into my nightmares. It was Scott Flynn. I told the police what I could and took a shower. Dad would help me get my tire changed later. Right now, I needed some air. The walls were closing in. I threw my hair up in a ponytail and grabbed the leash.
I was starting to feel normal again after we’d finished our fifth mile. I found my 'happy place' somewhere around mile three. I ran for the joy of it. I was walking a cool down block when a car pulled alongside. I checked it out from the corner of my eye, finger on the pepper spray. Domino was tugging the leash with happiness--it was Sean. She was madly in love with him and wasn’t at all ashamed. She wagged her whole butt in joy. She had no dignity. He pulled into the park and got out.
Uh-oh. Now what? In soldier-mode today, he stood stiffly, scanning the park, lips pressed in a line. The dark scowl alone would send babies screaming for their mothers. It sent a warning trickling through my blood. What was he looking for? Russian agents? Leprechauns? Terrorists? Satisfied that we were alone, he stalked over and towed me to a bench. I bristled a bit at the manhandling. Who did he think he was?
I tried to pry my hand loose. “Excuse me? What is your problem?”
“My problem? Let’s talk about your problem. I just talked to your dad.”
“I’m a big girl. I can take care of myself. You don’t have to worry.”
“But I do worry. I worry a lot.” Something in his expression made me warm all over. His voice was curt, but his eyes were tight with real concern.
“You’re cutting off the circulation to my hand. Do you mind?”
Instead of letting go of my wrist, he loosened his hold and eased down on the bench. The muscles in his arms flexed with the motion, drawing my attention to his shoulders. Broad, hard, probably golden brown under the t-shirt he wore, they were made for snuggling against. My imagination was helpfully stripping off said shirt and filling in the details of his skin. My heart was doing little flip flops because I was actually happy to see him. Uh-oh, those were bad signs. I stood up to go. It was time to make a dignified exit--for once. I invited him to hike tomorrow and headed home. After a cold shower, I went to work. Suddenly bears didn’t seem all that scary. I was looking forward to the hiking trip more than before.
The drive to Giant Mountain was a pretty one. Ricki volunteered to drive, and I happily rode shotgun. Signs of spring were all around us. Trees were sprouting new green leaves. The rivers would be running high with snow melt. I was a little sorry we weren’t going to be on the water. I would settle for hiking the mountain though. The forest was home for me. I felt a sense of peacefulness that I didn’t feel anywhere else. I wanted to run through the woods and climb to the top of this mountain--I hoped the rest of my friends could keep up.
“Did you bring condoms?” Ricki chuckled with a snort at her cleverness.
Jumping at the sound of her voice, I snorted too. “Geez, woman! No, I did not!” Though the idea had some potential, the wearer wasn’t cooperating. “Besides, he’s not interested. You’ve seen him. He practically ignores me half the time.”
Grinning evilly, she said, “Yeah, but the other half of the time, he looks at you like you’re lunch! God, he’s hot. He’s got a fabulous ass. You’ve got to reel that one in!” Pausing to nibble her lip, she added thoughtfully, “Now, Killian… mmm. He’s more my type. Wicked hot and dangerous…”
“Yeah, he’s dangerous all right. Like a bomb! One wrong move and you’ll lose body parts! You can have that one. He’s too hot for me. I’ll just keep dibs on Sean.”
“You got it. Do you think Killian will be there?” Sucking her finger seductively, she shivered for dramatic effect. “I want to throw him into a cave and…” Winking at my open mouth, she popped her finger out like a cork.
Giggling in spite of my shock, I said, “You’re so nasty! Geez!”
A little later we pulled onto the side of the road by the trailhead. Aric, Dani, and Tyler pulled up behind us. There was only one other vehicle there. Dec waved enthusiastically. Unable to resist the magic of his dimples, I waved back. Tons more reserved, Sean raised a hand in a half wave. No Killian. Ricki sighed dramatically. She narrowed her eyes in speculation as she mentally appraised Dec.
I elbowed her. “Forget it! He’s too sweet for you. You’d give him a heart attack!”
Dani glided over to us, and we headed into the trees. Tyler and Aric forged ahead like they had a speed record to break and were soon out of view. Ricki and Dani dawdled along like they had all day. Impatient with their speed, I finally broke away, taking off up the trail by myself. Sean and Dec hung together behind me. Sean still hadn’t said anything to me, and I was content to ignore him. He was one small person in this huge wilderness. There’d be time to talk later. Right now, I had a mountain to conquer!
Barking randomly, Domino turned into a sheepdog, spending her time running back and forth between our little groups. She was crazy with joy as she loped beside us, occasionally grabbing at stalks of grass with her teeth. There was a long green stem hanging from her mouth when she raced past me again. I had to laugh at her because she acted like I felt inside. I would’ve wagged my tail if I h
ad one. It was an amazing place. The trail cut through trees and over little streams. Huge granite boulders were randomly plopped here and there courtesy of the last ice age. Some giant had tossed them around for us to climb on and no two were alike. Some were bare and grey while others were covered with lichen or bright green moss. Occasionally water trickled down their sides and shimmered in stray beams of sunlight. It was a magical place. There should be wood nymphs and trolls.
I eventually caught up to Tyler and Aric. They couldn’t contain their inner-billy goat and climbed to the top of every big rock they found. When I paused to catch my breath, Dec slipped back to join Dani and Ricki. Echoes of his laughter floated on the wind that whistled through the trees. Every now and then I caught the tinkling of Dani’s giggles too. That was interesting…
I stopped at a cleft in a gigantic tumble of granite. It was almost big enough to walk through. No way was I venturing into the pitch blackness inside. As cold air drifted over my skin, I peered into the opening. What lived here? Bears? No, probably not. More likely foxes or something smallish… I felt him before he spoke.
“Too small for bears,” he said smugly.
“Oh, you think you’re so smart, don’t you?”
“You’re not that hard to read.” He wasn’t smiling, but he looked like he wanted to. I wished I could make him smile for me. What would it take?
For the rest of the day he played shadow with me, stopping when I did, pacing me as I explored. He didn’t say a lot, but I didn’t mind. There was something about him. I tried to ignore him, but I was completely aware of every move he made. He gave off such energy… A vitality that was hard to ignore. I could almost feel vibrations coming from him. My skin prickled when he passed near; my pulse picked up its pace. He drew me like a magnet that I was struggling to resist. I peered at him now. He looked so… powerful, bigger than life, a predator. He was sitting on a rock with his face turned into a dapple of sunlight. His eyes were half-closed, a jaguar sunning itself. He seemed like he was relaxing, but I sensed his watchfulness. He wasn’t dozing at all; he was scanning the woods around us. Was he guarding or hunting? He caught me staring and straightened with a frown. I blushed and glanced away.